Growing up with emotionally immature parents leaves a wound that rarely heals itself. It sticks with you, shaping how you see yourself and your relationships, as well as how much joy you allow yourself to feel. These patterns sneak in quietly, but they run deep—and breaking free takes insight, self-reflection, and practical strategies you can actually use.
That’s exactly what Dr. Lindsay C. Gibson, author of Adult Children Of Emotionally Immature Parents, explores in Breaking the Code: Overcoming the Influence of Emotionally Immature Parents. In this exclusive 46-minute Workshop hosted for the Academy Of Self Help, Dr. Gibson uncovers the emotional dynamics many of us grew up with—loneliness, fear, and a lack of intimate connection with our parents.
Some insights you’ll take away from this Workshop include:
Hallmark characteristics that identify emotionally immature people.
Why emotionally immature parents fear authentic connections.
What is required for emotionally immature parents or partners to change.
The reality of being in relationships with emotionally immature people.
Why children of emotionally immature parents feel the urge to save their parents.
How immature parents use emotional coercion to keep their children in line.
Breaking the code imprinted by emotionally immature parents.
I invite you to enjoy the free preview above and when you’re ready, unlock the complete workshop by becoming a Substack Supporter. In supporting us you’ll gain access to our constantly growing list of subscriber features, including:
Breaking the Code Workshop – Dr. Lindsay C. Gibson
Trauma-Born Attraction Workshop – Nicole Johnson, LPC
Going No Contact Interview – Dr. Lindsay C. Gibson & Will Watson
Personal Reflections – Will Watson, Co-founder Academy of Self Help
It’s not, at all, your job to be proving your love to them…it’s just not.
- Lindsay C. Gibson, Breaking The Code